Tag: homemade

Maple Walnut Ice Cream

Maple Walnut Ice Cream

My taste buds have changed over the years. I used to hate maple and now have become quite fond of it. So fond of it that I made maple walnut ice cream as a nod to Canadian cuisine for The World’s Longest Barbecue. The secret 

$112 Cinnamon Ice Cream

$112 Cinnamon Ice Cream

This recipe is Cheryl’s fault. I tried her cinnamon brownies and because of a mistake on my end, not hers, ended up with a tasty but dry dessert. My solution was to top it off with cinnamon ice cream. Only no one makes cinnamon ice 

Valentine’s Day Roasted Hazelnut Chocolate Cheesecake

Valentine’s Day Roasted Hazelnut Chocolate Cheesecake

Okay. Everybody owes me five bucks. As predicted, February is indeed Chocolate Month. In fact, my favourite treat gets a tad grabby and lays claim to Celebration of Chocolate as well. Honestly, how’s a poor dented shopping cart to compete against the sex appeal of