Tag: frangipane

Raspberry Peach Pie with Frangipane

Raspberry Peach Pie with Frangipane

While the daffodils have finally poked their heads through the earth, my freezer remains packed with containers of frozen fruit squirrelled away from last year’s harvest. They’re so precious to me, I save them for special occasions. Very special occasions. As along as the sooty, 

Recipe: Plum, Chocolate & Frangipane Pie

Recipe: Plum, Chocolate & Frangipane Pie

Had the pears held up I would likely be writing about broccoli or Swiss chard. Health food fans lament; pie lovers rejoice. On Saturday, with guests arriving and the clock ticking loudly in my ears, I tossed my dessert plans into the garbage along with 

Recipe: Plum Frangipane Tart

Recipe: Plum Frangipane Tart

Little Jack Horner’s got nothing on me. What’s he got? A corner, a thumb and a nursery rhyme no one understands. Me? I’ve got fresh plums and frangipane. That’s right. You heard me. Frangipane. I know. It sounds like a resort cocktail, but it’s really