Tag: easy

Mini Icebox Cakes

Mini Icebox Cakes

If you’re lucky, TV gives you five minutes. Five short minutes to put together a dish under bright lights and a bit of pressure. These Mini Icebox Cakes are perfect for television cooking — and for anyone wanting to put together a Mother’s Day treat. 

Bourbon Blondies with Pecans and Chocolate

Bourbon Blondies with Pecans and Chocolate

We ate on the living room floor, legs stretched out in front of us, leaning against the wall for back support. We’d finished unpacking the kitchen but the furniture wouldn’t arrive for days. Without so much as a folding chair, the room felt hollow. All my friend’s 

Captain Improv’s Creamy Lemon Chicken

Captain Improv’s Creamy Lemon Chicken

First there was Lex Luther, The Joker and Mr X. Then came Dr. Horrible and his malevolent idol Bad Horse, The Thoroughbred of Sin. I’m fortunate to have never come across such terrifying evil doers. Some say I remain unscathed because I live a quiet