Stone Fruit Galette

Stone Fruit Galette

This recipe is enough to make me eat my words. I don’t like marzipan, I find Emeril Lagasse’s TV persona annoying (his toothpaste commercials were the final straw for me) and I avoid pre-packaged items on principle. And yet, this recipe, which  became a favourite 

Peach and Blueberry Upside-Down Cake

Peach and Blueberry Upside-Down Cake

If you drop an upside-down cake on its head does it revert to plain old cake? Sadly, no. It just becomes yet another item to file under “Kitchen Disasters.” The only advice I can give you, other than not to drop the final dish, is 

Browned-Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Browned-Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

A while ago I solicited recipes for the ultimate chocolate chip cookie. A lot of suggestions rolled in. Conflicting opinions on walnuts, oatmeal and chefs flew through cyberspace. Some people loved Alton Brown’s recipe. Others called it “cakey” and touted the ever-popular David Lebovitz. Thomas 

Healthy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Healthy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

EJSGHPK2KBS4 Huh? What is that gobbledy-gook in the previous line? If you thought this was going to be about oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, be patient. Apparently, this cryptic code is the high-tech way one “claims” their blog on Technorati. For some reason it refuses to 

Marcy Goldman’s Apple-Raspberry Patchwork Crostata

Marcy Goldman’s Apple-Raspberry Patchwork Crostata

We have a tradition in our house. One of us usually kicks off the new year with a kitchen disaster. Last year, I discovered dried beans can, in fact, go stale. This year? I botched the pastry. Crostata no less. What else? I learned the 

Aix-en-Provence Black Olive Tart

Aix-en-Provence Black Olive Tart

The area of a circle is ∏r². This bit of high school math comes in handy when a recipe calls for a 12-inch tart pan and you go to three stores in search of one and all you come home with is a 118-pound, 5-litre 

Concord Grape Galette

Concord Grape Galette

Pastry is fickle. One day you’re rolling dough like it’s a bolt of white velvet and pull a golden, bubbling dessert from the oven. The results are so fine you briefly consider embroidering “Pie Guru” on your apron. Only you don’t know how to sew, 

Christmas Cookies — Simple Shortbread Cookies

Christmas Cookies — Simple Shortbread Cookies

I could eat this entire stack of shortbreads in one sitting, but will restrain myself. I must leave some for others. With no Scottish thistles pressed into the surface or fancy rosette piping, these are the ugly ducklings of the icebox cookie set. They are 

Double Trouble Ginger Cookies

Double Trouble Ginger Cookies

The tree outside my bedroom window is turning a golden red as we move past the halfway point of September. This glorious hue is often called “ginger” and reminds me of golden retrievers and freckle-faced red heads. Not actually the colour of ginger root, it