
3-Ingredient Nutty Granola Bars

3-Ingredient Nutty Granola Bars

3-Ingredient Nutty Granola Bars The grocery situation changes almost constantly now. A couple of weeks ago, the local supermarket had no toilet paper and no flour but plenty of eggs. Last week, I nabbed the second last bag of flour and picked up a dozen 

Easy Vanilla Buttercream Icing

Easy Vanilla Buttercream Icing

Vanilla Buttercream Icing When I was a kid, we used to ice sugar cookies with vanilla buttercream. Mom didn’t use a recipe. She’d drop a dollop of butter in a bowl, sprinkle it with icing sugar, add a splash of vanilla, and drizzle in just 

No-Egg Browned-Butter Cake

No-Egg Browned-Butter Cake

No-Egg Browned-Butter Cake Crazy as this sounds, not everyone likes chocolate. My ultra-hyphenated Egg-Free Depression-Era Chocolate Cake was popular with the chocolate crowd, but some vanilla fanciers felt left out. To keep the peace, I set about making a vanilla variation. In the chocolate version, 

Sunday Story: RECIPE Shorthand

Sunday Story: RECIPE Shorthand

No recipe today. Instead, a short story. My mother’s recipe box is a colour-coded, multi-tabbed wonder. Before the Internet coughed up recipes on demand, family, friends and virtual strangers often asked if she shared her recipes. While some people’s were closely guarded secrets handed down 

3-Ingredient Hard-Top Chocolate Sauce

3-Ingredient Hard-Top Chocolate Sauce

Hard-Top Chocolate Sauce I endured a challenging childhood. My mother, a die-hard scratch cook and baker, refused to buy the cardboard biscuits and waxy bottled sauces other kids took for granted. For years, I suffered from a range of maladies, including Nesquik® Envy and Magic-Shell-Chocolate-Sauce 

Greek Chicken Sliders

Greek Chicken Sliders

Greek Chicken Sliders These chicken sliders are far from an authentic Greek dish. I based them loosely on my favourite Spanakopita recipe. You can easily adapt them to suit your palate. Instead of sharing how-tos today, I thought I’d share links to past recipes that 

Blended Mushroom Burgers

Blended Mushroom Burgers

Burger Season Begins Early this year Since most of us are self-isolating and itching for fresh air, we’re firing up the grill a bit earlier this year. A version of the information below originally appeared in my column for Grand Magazine. Even if you don’t 

Maple-Walnut Carrots

Maple-Walnut Carrots

Maple SyRup Season March is traditionally maple syrup time. Canada, where I live, produces almost 85% of the world’s maple syrup. Few places on earth experience the warm days and freezing nights required to make the sap run — or drip, to be more precise. 

3-Ingredient Butterscotch Oaties

3-Ingredient Butterscotch Oaties

3-Ingredient Butterscotch Oaties Recipes are not always set in stone. Yes, baking is often more precise than cooking, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improvise. These Butterscotch Oaties are my desperate adaptation of Butterscotch Haystacks. I had the butterscotch chips and peanut butter on hand,