
Wordless Wednesday – Learning Curve

Wordless Wednesday – Learning Curve

To prevent the duplicate content issue, I’m writing words. Today’s question: What major photography gaff did I make in this photo? I have one specific issue in mind (and this time the photo name has NOTHING to do with the answer) but I’m sure you’ll 

Recipe: Moroccan Roast Chicken

Recipe: Moroccan Roast Chicken

Yesterday was Family Day here in Ontario when everyone gets the day off to hang out with their loved ones. With yet another forecast snow storm threatening to turn what should be a laid back provincial holiday into a muscle-abusing Shovel Day, I decided to 

Recipe: Potato and Cauliflower Curry (Aloo Gobi)

Recipe: Potato and Cauliflower Curry (Aloo Gobi)

If you look at my recipes index it’s hard to believe I used to do a lot of health writing. While I was supposed to be promoting a healthy lifestyle in others, opposing stats and studies nearly made me sick. One day I’d file an 

Wordless Wednesday: Old Spice

Wordless Wednesday: Old Spice

I know this is supposed to be Wordless Wednesday, but Google is viewing my text-free posts as duplicate content, which is a bad thing for a blogger. So I’m turning this into a game. The photo is wordless, but do you know what spice is 

Recipe:  Chocolate Basil Muffins

Recipe: Chocolate Basil Muffins

Since I’m an unapologetic chocolate addict and flower fanatic, you’d think I’d be blogging about Valentine’s Day with all the love in my heart and passion in my fingertips. But it’s one of those “special” days I ignore in part because it’s so contrived. It 

Recipe: Accordion Potatoes

Recipe: Accordion Potatoes

It has been brought to my attention that I have been writing a bit too much about chocolate. As if there’s such a thing. However, I don’t want to give you a false impression of my eating habits, so I will change the topic (briefly) 

Recipe: Salted Caramel Apples

Recipe: Salted Caramel Apples

To help celebrate the 200th anniversary of the McIntosh apple, I’m taking part in The Ontario Apple Growers’ challenge. They’re looking for the best candy apple recipe — ever. After careful consideration, a bit of testing and a second-degree burn to my index finger, I 

Recipe: Venetian Chicken

Recipe: Venetian Chicken

Depending on which urban legend you cite, the Inuit have between 17 and 31 distinct words for snow. I have but one. And I can’t use it here. This weekend’s additional donation of crystallized water had me dreaming of escape. While I wouldn’t turn down