
Recipe: Spicy Green Beans

Recipe: Spicy Green Beans

You know you’re getting old when St. Patrick’s Day arrives and instead of wondering where you put your green belt and shamrock earrings, you make a mental note not to drive anywhere after 6 PM and place bets on how many drunks are going to 

Recipe: Chicken in Samfaina Sauce

Recipe: Chicken in Samfaina Sauce

The last few days I’ve felt like a cast member of Glee. No, I haven’t been dancing about the living room singing mash ups. I’ve  just gone quietly about my own business only to get a great, big slushie thrown in my face. While these 

Orange and Carrot Salad

Orange and Carrot Salad

Winter has returned with a vengeance, Dumping great soggy clumps of slush on our heads. In the face of this penetrating cold, I don’t want hot soup. I don’t want great steaming mounds of comfort food. I want warm temperatures and sunshine. And I want 

Wordless Wednesday: My newest obsession

Wordless Wednesday: My newest obsession

Golden beets are a bit of a curiosity to me. With a dark, orange-toned skin and bright gold inside, they remind me of a peach. Raw, they taste a bit like carrots. Cooked? Haven’t a clue. I’m easing into beets and don’t want to push 

Recipe: Zucchini Fritters with Dill Tzatziki

Recipe: Zucchini Fritters with Dill Tzatziki

It’s not unusual for me to get excited over a cookbook. But every once in a while one resonates with me on so many levels that I just want to curl up on the couch, cradle it in my arms and stroke its pages. And 

Procrastination Equation and Junk Food

Procrastination Equation and Junk Food

I am a world class procrastinator. My pantry is bursting with odd ingredients I keep meaning to try but know will expire before I open them. There are two shelves of cookbooks in my office waiting to be read, and I once let my filing 

Wordless Wednesday – Canary? Eaten.

Wordless Wednesday – Canary? Eaten.

At first glance you’ll think this post (again, deliberately not wordless to please the Google gods) is not food related. But you’re wrong. First of all, this is the orange tabby who inspired the header image. Because of him, I now cover butter with plastic 

Recipe: Ginger and Coconut Chicken

Recipe: Ginger and Coconut Chicken

I’m not sure whether I should hug Bal Arneson or smack her with a cookbook. Her No Butter Chicken from Everyday Indian is my husband’s favourite chicken dish. He loves it so much that while he was holed up in the living room recovering from 

Recipe: Surreal Chocolate Wontons

Recipe: Surreal Chocolate Wontons

This is Bob Blumer, aka the Surreal Gourmet. I had the pleasure of meeting him and tasting his fun food at The Drake in Toronto recently. If he looks a bit blurry it’s because he moves too quickly for my camera. He thinks quickly too. As