
Recipe: Crumpets

Recipe: Crumpets

In this age of pre-made artisanal everything, some foods remain defiant. While you can buy decent heat-and-eat naan in the grocery store, flaky croissants at any good bakery and to-die-for bagels at delis, crumpets remain elusive. The store-bought versions are rubbery and taste like they’re sprinkled 

Surreal Winners

Surreal Winners

  Normally, I sit back and let technology do the dirty work for me. I rely on because it’s neutral, easy to use and absolves me of any bias. But this time, I asked you to sway me with your words, and you did. 

Forty Creek Whisky Pecan Pie

Forty Creek Whisky Pecan Pie

In our home, birthdays are about dessert. It doesn’t matter if the ingredients send me to six specialty shops, or if the results require a small team of architecture students to assemble. If you can dream it, I will make it. Providing you’re a family 

Fennel Salad with Golden Beets and Apples

Fennel Salad with Golden Beets and Apples

[box type=”info” style=”rounded” border=”full”] Update: Sorry. The contest is closed. However, the fennel salad recipe remains open to anyone willing to give it a try. [/box] As one of the world’s most gullible people, I hate April Fool’s Day.  Apparently watching me scramble for the binoculars 

Raspberry Pie

Raspberry Pie

Raspberry pie is risky business. Jam-style diehards want theirs sweet, sweet, sweet, while people like me long for a slice that will pucker the palate. After all, the ice cream’s supposed to smooth things over. Right? If the filling isn’t stressful enough, then there’s the 

National Toast Day Winner

National Toast Day Winner

Who knew so many of you were toast fans? And with such diverse tastes. Some like their toast light, others call anything short of dark brown “wimpy.” You gobble it slathered with butter of all kinds. — plain, maple and peanut. While sweet jam go 

Recipe: Thai Curry

Recipe: Thai Curry

Today I’m on CTV News at Noon. It’s my 7th appearance and I’ve decided it’s time I actually cooked something. Oh, I’ve diced apples, sliced peaches, mixed salad dressing, stuffed peppers, roasted an array of vegetables and even pulverized chickpeas in the name of hummus, 

Giveaway: National Toast Day

Giveaway: National Toast Day

As a child, cinnamon toast was the litmus test of illness. If you could choke down a few bites with flat ginger ale or weak tea, then you knew you were going to live. If you couldn’t stomach the toast — or even the thought 

Rouxbe Video Links

Rouxbe Video Links

When Staples finally wakes up and realizes there’s a fortune to be made with a “Harder Than It Looks” button, I’m buying a couple and mailing them out to the west coast. One’s for Joe, co-founder of Rouxbe Online Cooking School, who came up with