
Happy Mother’s Day 2011

Happy Mother’s Day 2011

This is a my mom. Four years old and full of spunk. This photo, with an impeccably well-groomed child perched on an equally well-groomed pony, standing on a freshly swept urban sidewalk, shaped my vision of an ideal childhood — the one I was so 

Books that make you a better cook

Books that make you a better cook

Coddle! Fricassee! Macerate! Sorry. I just had to get that out of my system. I’d like to publicly thank everyone who took the time to give me a reality check the other day. Having read a few too many “how to write about food” articles, 

Reality Check for Food Writers

Reality Check for Food Writers

Spend enough time doing something and it will change the way you think, mess with your assumptions, and skew your expectations. When I studied fiction writing everyone who walked into the cafe was a potential character. Their clothes, their order, their gait held clues to 

Recipe: Fried Avocado with Lime-Cilantro Dipping Sauce

Recipe: Fried Avocado with Lime-Cilantro Dipping Sauce

Wanting to redeem myself from the monumental failure of my salted caramel candy apples — which devolved into sliced apples and a dip — I accepted the task of creating an avocado recipe for MissAvaCado‘s Cinco de Mayo Blogger Challenge. The results have me wondering 

Raspberry Peach Pie with Frangipane

Raspberry Peach Pie with Frangipane

While the daffodils have finally poked their heads through the earth, my freezer remains packed with containers of frozen fruit squirrelled away from last year’s harvest. They’re so precious to me, I save them for special occasions. Very special occasions. As along as the sooty, 

Recipe: Apple and Ginger Truffles

Recipe: Apple and Ginger Truffles

As a child, whenever my table manners were less than stellar, my mother would fix me with a gaze that could freeze time. With a mixture of horror and regret, she would inform me that I was not yet ready to have tea with the 

Recipe: Potato Latkes

Recipe: Potato Latkes

I was going to make you guess what’s in the photo above, but the post’s headline gives it away. Darn you, Google, and your search engine demands. If you hover your cursor over the image, you will know, these golden fritters are potato latkes. I made 

Potatoes: This Spud’s for YOU

Potatoes: This Spud’s for YOU

With dozens of product pitches landing in my inbox daily, it takes a lot for one to stand out. Yesterday, one jumped off the monitor and poked me in the eyeball. Their selling point. “[It] takes just 2 minutes to prepare in the microwave  — no 

5 Things I Never Thought I’d Have in My Pantry

5 Things I Never Thought I’d Have in My Pantry

  Can you keep a secret? After going on and on about Homemade This and From-Scratch That, I’ve come to realize there is a spot for convenience foods in my life and in my cupboard. While I prefer fresh to tinned, homemade to reconstituted, the