
Montreal Mystery Sign

Montreal Mystery Sign

Huh? Andrew and I saw this sign in Montreal. Often. It appeared in a wide variety of locations which only made its meaning more perplexing. While we came up with some creative interpretations, none of them made any sense. Got any ideas? Post your suggestions 

Peach Mango Soup Shooters

Peach Mango Soup Shooters

I don’t think of soup when it comes to pairing wine. And I don’t think of peaches when it comes to soup. And I don’t think of tart when it comes to sweet, sweet peaches. So a cayenne-kissed, very tangy-yet-sweet peach-mango soup designed to go 

Recipe: Roasted Radishes

Recipe: Roasted Radishes

  To observe my mother eating radishes is to understand that over-used phrase “living in the moment.” They are not munched like baby carrots or popped into her mouth like grapes. They are consumed with quiet, focused deliberation. To begin, she sets a small bowl 

Recipe: Pavlova

Recipe: Pavlova

If you asked me to describe my father’s taste in desserts, I’d tell you he’s a lemon man. When he turned 65, Mom and I baked 13 lemon meringue pies for his party. He squeezes fresh lemon juice into his tea and sometimes even orders 

Recipe: Roasted Strawberries

Recipe: Roasted Strawberries

Writing about strawberries in September seems unreal to me. When I was a kid, September meant corn. Cobs and cobs of hot corn slathered in butter. Strawberries ushered in the summer holidays. They didn’t close them.

The Custom Pantry

The Custom Pantry

Look past my freshly harvested garlic and the stone fruit hogging the counter. See all those boxes lurking in the background? They were expropriating my dining table under the pretence of helping me organize the pantry. Or The Prototype, as I now call it. From last 

Happy Canada Day (belated) and 4th of July (early)

Happy Canada Day (belated) and 4th of July (early)

Yesterday, I’d meant to wish everyone a Happy Canada Day (or Dominion Day, in the case of my husband). But that didn’t happen. I blame the carbs. The day started with pancakes and waffles on the patio — with just enough protein to keep us 

Recipe: Island Steamers with Fennel, Tomato and Lime

Recipe: Island Steamers with Fennel, Tomato and Lime

Dear Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, According to numerous news reports, you are coming to Canada and making Prince Edward Island one of your destinations. An excellent choice. While I haven’t been to the smallest province in our Dominion since I was a teenager, I 



This is where I am. In a remote stretch of wilderness, ankle deep in murky swamp water with Yodi-knows-what nibbling at my ankles. Only when I say “swamp water” I actually mean “projects” and those pesky ankle biters are really just the “little things” that