
Recipe: Salted Orange Toffee Crisps

Recipe: Salted Orange Toffee Crisps

Last year, due to circumstances beyond my control, I didn’t do any Christmas baking. Not so much as a single shortbread came out of my kitchen. But this year? I’m making up for the loss. The rumballs are rolled, the eggnog is chilling and now it’s 

Recipe: Homemade Eggnog

Recipe: Homemade Eggnog

I’m trying not to be resentful but a certain celebrity llama has more Twitter followers than I do. And his first name isn’t Dali. To be fair, the llama is a talented goat herder, so I can see the appeal. Why all the fuss over 

Recipe: Walnut Rumballs

Recipe: Walnut Rumballs

Walnuts are the hard-done-by, neglected middle child of the nut family. Between the mature and established almond, with its fancy frangipane and marzipan pastes, and attention-grabbing, TV-diva baby of a macadamia (I’m looking at you Roseanne!) walnuts are easily overlooked. Sure, you can find them 

How to Table Chocolate Ganache for Truffles

How to Table Chocolate Ganache for Truffles

Last week I had the pleasure of taking a truffle and bon bon making course in Toronto with Marissa Scibetta at Bonnie Gordon College of Confectionary Arts. For two glorious evenings I was the proverbial kid in the candy shop, weighing, heating, mixing, spooning and 

Recipe: Buttermilk Bean Waffles

Recipe: Buttermilk Bean Waffles

I’m doing my part to make beans hip and cool. I even I walked through downtown Toronto clutching a clear plastic bag brimming with the four pounds of brightly coloured lentils, legumes and beans picture above. No one laughed. No one pointed at me. And 

Happy Thanksgiving: How to Carve Poultry

Happy Thanksgiving: How to Carve Poultry

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends! Since I can’t join you in person and help out  with dinner, I thought I’d share a video that could make your holiday meal run a bit more smoothly — or at least save your good table cloth from 

Recipe: Coconut Baked Chicken with Dipping Sauce

Recipe: Coconut Baked Chicken with Dipping Sauce

The biggest (okay, only) disappointment in meeting Roger Mooking is he is not a Gemini. How can that be? We’re so alike. Like me, Roger once felt “like a mad man caught in two worlds.” It took a long time for him to realize his 

Recipe: Spiced Grilled Chicken

Recipe: Spiced Grilled Chicken

You’ve all heard the expression “Dollars to doughnuts.” But in my world the expression should be, “Doughnuts to Morocco.” Those versed in Moroccan cuisine might assume the connection comes from sfenj, the popular Moroccan street food that closely resembles the North American doughnut. You’d get 

Leadership and Purpose

Leadership and Purpose

Will my brushes with greatness never cease? First, my friend Dana is a judge on The Food Network’s Recipe to Riches, then Super Jess included me in her Doughnut Bonanza, and today my husband launches his very own book — Leadership and Purpose: A History