
Paulette Phlipot – Made You Look

Paulette Phlipot – Made You Look

Fingers, don’t fail me now. I’m trying desperately to spell Paulette Phlipot’s last name right. It shouldn’t be that hard. After all, there are no accents requiring complex keystroke combinations. However, decades of typing have engrained certain patterns in my brain. My fingers struggle to 

Berry-Lime Cornmeal Shortcakes

Berry-Lime Cornmeal Shortcakes

By now, you’ve likely heard a lot about Ripe: A Fresh, Colorful Approach to Fruits and Vegetables written by Cheryl Sternman Rule and photographed by Paulette Phlipot.  You’ve likely seen some of its in-your-face photographs, read excerpts of the light-hearted writing, and possibly tried one 

Strawberry-Rhubarb En Papillote

Strawberry-Rhubarb En Papillote

As if Friday isn’t reason enough to celebrate. Today is the first anniversary of Lynn Ogryzlo’s The Ontario Table, and I’m one of her virtual guests. I’m pretty chuffed to be asked to take part. Not only do I enjoy a party, I like hanging out 

Father’s Day Pie

Father’s Day Pie

  How great is my dad? He’s so wonderful his son-in-law donned oven mitts and let his wife boss him about for 3 hours so there would be homemade pie for dessert on Father’s Day. How great is my husband? He’s so wonderful he donned 

Half an Hour Later in Newfoundland…

Half an Hour Later in Newfoundland…

When you read the post title, did you hear the authoritative voice of a CBC announcer in your head? If you’re Canadian, you probably did. If it simply confused you, you should know that Newfoundland, Canada’s easternmost province, not only has its own time zone, it has 

Sustainable Seafood | Citrus-Cured Arctic Char

Sustainable Seafood | Citrus-Cured Arctic Char

I hate being “that person.” You know, the one who goes out to dinner with a group of friends and holds up everyone’s order because she asked the server where the tilapia came from. To ensure no one starved, I stopped asking. By default, I 

The Good, The Bad and the Improvised

The Good, The Bad and the Improvised

This shouldn’t be happening. There are few worms in this soil, the ground has grown nothing but grass for 40 years, and the great big maple nearby calls dibs on all the nutrients. In spite of this, the beet are beginning to sprout. A week 

Kitchen Disasters & Fixes | One-Day, One-Dollar

Spend a dollar. Save a dinner.  Not a bad slogan. May 1st my app launched. A month later, I’m celebrating with a sale. Today only, Kitchen Disasters and Fixes is priced at $0.99. Both the iTunes version and the Android version are  2/3 off the regular 

The Family Garden Project

The Family Garden Project

Who are these people and what on earth are they doing? No doubt this is what neighbours wondered all last year as they saw a great circle of grass tilled, newspapers laid down, earth piled up and various people walking about the mess pointing, shrugging