
What to Do with Less-Than-Perfect Peaches – Fruit Leather

What to Do with Less-Than-Perfect Peaches – Fruit Leather

What do you do when you have less-than-perfect peaches squatting on your counter, threatening to dissolve into a mouldy heap before dinner?  I usually peel and eat them on the spot, dripping juice over the sink. Okay, then what do you do with the ten 

Eggs From Jude’s Back Yard

Eggs From Jude’s Back Yard

Do not adjust your screen. These eggs really are light blue. And ivory. And beige. And speckley brown. And yes, that big one in the middle is pointy at both ends. My cousin Jude and her husband brought eggs from their backyard coop when they 

How to Grow Your Own Garlic

How to Grow Your Own Garlic

A friend has a theory that my family is part vampire. We are unnaturally pale and live a very, very long time. I am about to disprove this theory. I don’t shrink at the sight of garlic. In fact, I grow it. This is garlic 

Corn with Cilantro-Lime-Chili Butter

Corn with Cilantro-Lime-Chili Butter

This week’s Gastropost challenge was to “recreate or revisit a food experience that will refresh sunny memories of summers past.” With strawberries and peaches already covered, my mind went to corn — a food that leaves me conflicted. In season, corn-on-the-cob means both the height 

Indian Green Beans

Indian Green Beans

I don’t know if there are the Fortex pole beans or the Maxibel French filet beans. I suspect they are a mix. I can’t tell because the vines are so thick the leaves obscure the labels. Plus, I was too busy picking beans to bother 

Peach, Tomato Salad with Bocconcini

Peach, Tomato Salad with Bocconcini

  When a spring frost destroyed much of the tender fruit crops in Ontario, I was afraid I wouldn’t see a local peach this year, let alone one that delivered a true peachy taste. Fortunately, I was wrong. While the size of the crop may 

Galettes and The Messy Baker

Galettes and The Messy Baker

Hold my hand. I’m very nervous. Today is a big day. A. Very. Big. Day. First of all, it’s my sister’s 2nd wedding anniversary. (Happy anniversary, Allison and Dale.) That’s not rattling me, although I do shudder when I recall putting her wedding cake together during 

Baked Zucchini Flowers with Ricotta

Baked Zucchini Flowers with Ricotta

This is a zucchini flower from The Family Plot. While we raised plenty of eyebrows planting the garden, we weren’t sure we could raise so much as a baby carrot. Much to everyone’s surprise, the beans are clawing their way up the poles, the radishes 

Pecan Milanesas with Corn and Blueberry Salsa

Pecan Milanesas with Corn and Blueberry Salsa

Blueberries and corn? Really? Yes. In salsa? Oh my, yes. Make that a big, fat blueberry yes. The photographer in me loves the colour contrast. The eater in me loves the crunchy texture and sweet-sour flavours. Add lime and cilantro to the mix? Oh, I’m