
Fig and Olive Tapenade

Fig and Olive Tapenade

I almost feel like I’m cheating on this one. It’s far too easy to be this tasty. But on second thought, it’s a perfect illustration of Eric Akis’s approach to food. It delivers what he calls “obtainable goodness”, is suitable for all levels of cooks, 

Fear Not: Gingersnap Pumpkin Pie with Candied Pumpkin Seeds

Fear Not: Gingersnap Pumpkin Pie with Candied Pumpkin Seeds

If I could eliminate one emotion. It would be fear. I’m not talking the “Don’t go down that dark alley” kind of fear where your Spidey senses are tingling for good reason. I’m talking the joy-crushing, “This not going to work” kind of fear. The 

Canada’s Favourite Recipes

Canada’s Favourite Recipes

I could tell you I have always dreamed of being invited to Elizabeth Baird’s home, but I’d be lying. The thought was simply too grand to have ever occurred to me. Seems I have been thinking small without knowing it. Last week, I had the honour 

The Inside Scoop on Black Bean Quinoa Burgers

The Inside Scoop on Black Bean Quinoa Burgers

When you meet with the author of a cookbook, you’re often given insights not found in the final print edition — like how they spent most of their time at college scribbling recipe ideas in their binder instead of taking lecture notes, or which of 

What is Cooking?

What is Cooking?

I had planned on ignoring the whole New York Times article with its provocative title “Cooking Isn’t Creative, and It Isn’t Easy.”  Alex Halberstadt’s article profiles Christopher Kimball and gives a behind-the-scene look at Cook’s Illustrated. I was ignoring it. I had my La-La-La-I-Can’t-Hear-You fingers 

Damn You, Biscotti! Die! DIE!

Damn You, Biscotti! Die! DIE!

Three tries. It took me three kicks at the proverbial can (or pan, in this case), several hours and a couple of meltdowns to figured out how to make savory biscotti that A) didn’t taste like stuffing and B) didn’t fall apart like a cheap 

Ten Years and Counting

Ten Years and Counting

At my parent’s 50th anniversary party, they shared the secret to their long and happy marriage:  Never wallpaper together. I think those were simpler times. We don’t have a strip of wallpaper in the entire house, but require an elaborate and potentially expensive system to 

Flying Blind

Flying Blind

I’m flying blind here. And I’m being about as literal as you can get. Due to technical reasons far beyond my comprehension, when I write a blog post the text is invisible. You can read this because it somehow rights itself once posted to the 

Preserving tomatoes regardless of quantity

Preserving tomatoes regardless of quantity

Clearly, my tomatoes aren’t getting enough love. When my back was turned, they  produced and produced and produced — to the point they toppled over and smothered the Swiss chard. Lying on the ground, they continued the fight. Not only did they produce more fruit,