
Pushing Boundaries

Pushing Boundaries

I did it. Despite containing three ingredients I’ve never used before, I made onion bhaji. And I pronounce them to be good. Make that “very good.”  Andrew, who inspired the selection, claimed they were “delicious” and “as good as the restaurant’s.” So, with a flourish 

Soup for Breakfast

Soup for Breakfast

I struggle with breakfast at the best of times. Winter only makes it worse. It’s cold. It’s dark. One look out the window and any sensible person would dive back into bed until spring — or at least 10 AM — not head to the 

In Praise of Small Books

In Praise of Small Books

We all love a bargain. A bit fat cookbook stuffed with 1000+ recipes for $10. But if you’re like me, these are the ones that never get used. Too big for the cookbook holder they rarely make it into the kitchen. And when I’m searching 

Rosemary Almond Crackers

Rosemary Almond Crackers

So-and-so can’t touch gluten. Whatshisface is allergic to eggs. Dairy gives Thing-gummy a rash. And Hoojicky? Garlic sensitivity. Happy Holidays, indeed. I feel for you. I do. Having been on both sides of this equation (I have played the role of allergic guest and accommodating 

Trying Again – Lazy Quinoa Lasagna Recipe

Trying Again – Lazy Quinoa Lasagna Recipe

For some reason, the recipe for slow-cooker vegetarian quinoa lasagna didn’t attach to its post the other day. Could have been technology. Could have been me? I choose to blame technology. Either way, I had people asking for the recipe. So here it is.

Words of Wisdom from Chef Michael Smith and Bacon Candy

Words of Wisdom from Chef Michael Smith and Bacon Candy

Eleven minutes and ten seconds into our half-hour interview, Chef Michael Smith uttered the most honest, excuse-free cooking advice I’ve heard in a long time. I don’t have much patience for those who say they can’t cook. A hundred thousand generations have cooked. It’s a 

Lazy Quinoa Lasagna

Lazy Quinoa Lasagna

Mairlyn Smith owes me a new crockpot. Sort of. She didn’t actually come to my house and break mine, but because of her I learned just how bad my old one was. At her recommendation I made the slow-cooker lasagna from The Vegetarian’s Complete Quinoa 

Buttermilk Scones | 2 Make-Ahead Options

Buttermilk Scones | 2 Make-Ahead Options

My shoulder’s ache, my fingertips have callouses, and the daylight hurts my eyes. But The Messy Baker is written, filed electronically and a 292-page, double-spaced paper copy is beating up all the Christmas cards as it pushes its way to HarperCollins in Toronto. I have 

Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies

Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies

Hazelnuts. Filberts. Cobnuts. This tasty kernel goes by many names. I’m going to add one more to its repertoire and dub it the “hasselnut.” Because of the bitter skin, hazelnuts require a bit more work than pecans or walnuts. They need to be roasted and