
Crispy Chocolate Rice Squares

Crispy Chocolate Rice Squares

Swag. It used to mean some sort of garland or window dressing. But times have changed. Ignoring the Urban Dictionary’s profanity-laced first definition, I pieced together other entries and conclude it’s an overused term meaning one’s personal style or attitude. I think it’s the new 

Mushrooms Rockefeller

Mushrooms Rockefeller

I got myself into this and I’m going to get myself out. I did not, repeat not, acquire a one-trick pony of a pan. I could point you to the Indian, Thai, Korean and Japanese variations of the aebleskiver, but really, they’re all just spins on batter 

Leftover Pastry Dough – The Roly-Poly

Leftover Pastry Dough – The Roly-Poly

Being born at the height of The Depression, my mother never wasted food. When there wasn’t enough leftover pastry dough to top a chicken pot pie, she made a roly-poly.  She made them so often and with such authority, I assumed the roly-poly was the natural 

Wanted: Collective Nouns for the Kitchen

Wanted: Collective Nouns for the Kitchen

Wanted: Nouns As cooks, we have enough verbs – although whether or not we should use them is up for debate. Knife in hand, you can mince, chop, dice, slice, Julienne and pare. Got at spoon? Stir, beat, cream, fold or spread. Add some heat 

Lemon Meringue Pie

Lemon Meringue Pie

There were no party hats. No streamers. No banner saying “Greaty at Eighty!” There wasn’t so much as a candle. There was, however, pie. Simple, classic, 100%-from-scratch lemon meringue pie. Yesterday, my father turned 80. He marked the day by going about his business as usual. 

Why I Don’t Post Nutritional Data

Why I Don’t Post Nutritional Data

Step right up! Step right up! Don’t be shy. Nothing to be afraid of. Just a little numbers game. Everyone’s a winner. Every. One’s. A winner! Looking for that one food, that one special ingredient that will make you taller, smarter, lighter, brighter, wealthier and 

The Margarita Chicken Compromise

The Margarita Chicken Compromise

Andrew and I are mature, level-headed adults. We can easily discuss our budget, the laundry schedule, and who goes where at Easter. We listen to each other, see the other person’s point of view and devise workable action plans. We use terms like “action plan,” 

Nigella’s Green Beans with Pistachio Pesto

Nigella’s Green Beans with Pistachio Pesto

To paraphrase from Nigella Lawson’s latest book Nigellissima: Easy Italian-Inspired Recipes, this dish is “verdiglorious.” Green basil, green beans, and green pistachios all come together in a “riot” of a pesto dish. What it lacks in authenticity, it more than makes up for in colour 

Lox and Cream Cheese Ebelskivers

Lox and Cream Cheese Ebelskivers

I’m not sure how many recipes Camilla V. Saulsbury has created over the years but it’s more than I can count before losing track, and just slightly less than the number of stars in the night sky. She’s prolific to say the least. When I