
Orange Sherbet – An easy homemade summertime treat

Orange Sherbet – An easy homemade summertime treat

Like most kids, when I discovered wordplay I was so thrilled with my new found skill I told jokes and made puns non-stop. On one occasion, I followed my grandmother around her apartment like a duckling, quacking knock-knock jokes at her in a continuous loop. 

Improv Recipe: Garden Greens Pasta Sauce with Tomatoes

Improv Recipe: Garden Greens Pasta Sauce with Tomatoes

Cooking with seasonal foods can be a bit like getting dragged on stage for an improv act. Even though you’ve been told the basic premise you don’t really know what’s coming, you’ve little time to think, and your success requires saying “Yes!” to what’s handed to 

Garlic Scape Soup

Garlic Scape Soup

Don’t believe everything you read. When researching how to grow garlic, every source I read said garlic from seed was next to impossible or took years to mature. Bulbs were the way to go. So a year ago, out of curiosity,  I left some scapes 

Honeysuckle Sorbet

Honeysuckle Sorbet

Right outside my kitchen porch, a graceless post stands cemented in the ground. Its thick, square bulk is so awkward it can’t be passed off as rustic. Ferns and periwinkle hide its base while a honeysuckle vine attempts to disguise the rest of its towering 

Hazelnut Gelato for Father’s Day

Hazelnut Gelato for Father’s Day

I have my Father’s nose. I also inherited his high cheekbones and strong immune system. However, his natural math abilities and infinite patience must have skipped a generation. My father can add up a column of figures in his head before I can punch the 

Proper Food Handling – Easy and better than the alternative

Proper Food Handling – Easy and better than the alternative

I had hoped to use the alphabet pasta for something fun. I’d imagined a game of Soup Scrabble with friends or seeing who can find the most cuss words fastest. Instead, I’m cooking a handful of random letters in tinned consommé and calling it dinner. 

Strawberry Sour cream ice Cream

Strawberry Sour cream ice Cream

Strawberry Sour Cream Ice Cream This post was originally part of the Canadian Food Experience Project. As I update my recipes, I’m separating stories from instruction. As a result, you’ll find a recipe-free story in my Sunday Story section. Just look for Strawberry Sins. Years 

Dessert Piadinas – Anything Goes

Dessert Piadinas – Anything Goes

The weather is chilly. Our gas barbecue is out of propane, and the empty tanks are so old they can’t be refilled. Under these conditions, you’d think I couldn’t share a grilling recipe. But you’d be wrong. In fact, it’s the perfect time to showcase 



Today is my 50th birthday. This is my baby spoon. It’s sterling. The front records the day, year and time I arrived screaming into this world. The back notes my birth weight, 7 lbs, 6 oz. Needless to say I’ve gained a fair amount of weight since