
Tomatillo Chicken – An Unexpected Canadian Harvest

Tomatillo Chicken – An Unexpected Canadian Harvest

When I was a child, my mother had a vegetable garden in the side yard. She grew runner beans and radishes, beets and Swiss chard. I remember neat rows of fancy-topped chives whose pungent smell drove me away, and giant bunches of rhubarb that whispered 

Death Warmed Over

Death Warmed Over

As a food blogger, I fail Halloween. I don’t make jack-o-lantern cupcakes, witch finger cookies or any of the other ghoulish treats my colleagues are so adept at. I can barely work up the nerve to carve a pumpkin. The cold, wet, slimy insides freak 

Alice Eats Sunken Dark-Chocolate Cake

Alice Eats Sunken Dark-Chocolate Cake

Describing this cookbook as unconventional would be misleading. It doesn’t contain outrageously challenging recipes or impossible to get ingredients. You won’t find odd flavour combinations or dishes that look like storybook animals. If I may mix my fictional elements, Alice Eats is the James Bond martini 

Concord Grape Sherbet

Concord Grape Sherbet

Concord Grapes leave me conflicted. They fill up my senses in a way that would do John Denver proud. They also break my heart. When I see their deep blue-purple skins overflowing the baskets at the market stalls the joyful, creative part of me wants 

What is a non-reactive pot or bowl

What is a non-reactive pot or bowl

A lot of recipes, especially for jams and sauces, call for a non-reactive pot or bowl. When a recipe writer specifies a non-reactive vessel, we’re not trying to be confusing or cryptic or sound like a know-it-all — even if that’s how we come off. 

Canadian Food Experience Project – Concord Grape Jam

Canadian Food Experience Project – Concord Grape Jam

Growing up, my mom’s homemade grape jam appeared on the table in recycled baby food jars with a paraffin wax seal. While the jam bubbled and the jars boiled, she melted bricks of wax on the stove top in an old tomato juice can with 

Favourite Recipe Round-Up: Eleven Years In

Favourite Recipe Round-Up: Eleven Years In

Eleven years ago today, I was extremely busy. When I wasn’t kissing the man behind the hat, I was getting my photos taken, greeting guests and exchanging vows. Today I spent an embarrassing amount of time poking about the archives of my computer. I was 

Cooked Jam with Frozen Fruit  | Raspberry Currant Jam

Cooked Jam with Frozen Fruit | Raspberry Currant Jam

Cherries, currants and raspberries arrive at such an inconvenient time. It’s hot. It’s often humid. And our old stone house holds the summer heat like a wood-fired brick oven. Once the warm weather has worked its way into the walls, I’m hesitant to fry a 

Lime-Glazed Zucchini Bread

Lime-Glazed Zucchini Bread

I think we had frost last night. I’m not sure. I got home at midnight after a 15-hour day which involved three amazingly inspiring meetings and one stomach-churning moment where I irrevocably shattered the screen on my beloved iPad. I’m proud to say I didn’t