
My Canadian Love Affair – As The Barrel Turns

My Canadian Love Affair – As The Barrel Turns

This month’s theme for The Canadian Food Experience Project is “My Canadian Love Affair.” This is definitely a love story. I’m just not sure if it’s about me and my husband, Andrew and whisky, or a testament to community. All I know for sure is 

Portuguese Custard Tarts

Portuguese Custard Tarts

This photo wasn’t staged. It’s a real glimpse of my chaotic kitchen table, captured via my smartphone. The spoons are washed but remain uncleared from the Herb & Spice post. The dishes at the lower right are set out for lunch, and in the midst of 

A quick update

A quick update

Don’t worry. The cat’s fine. I just wanted to grab your attention. I’ve got some housekeeping details to share and this fellow is way more handsome than a straw broom. Tomorrow, The Messy Baker gets an update. This means the site will go into maintenance mode 

Chinese New Year – Visiting Sweets and Lucky Numbers

Chinese New Year – Visiting Sweets and Lucky Numbers

Tonight marks the launch of Chinese New Year, a 15-day celebration that includes, feasting, firework displays and closes with the glimmering Lantern Festival. A quick Internet search might leave you with the impression it’s all about food. While meals and specific dishes are significant, the 

Beer Batter Orange Crepes

Beer Batter Orange Crepes

This post will come as a surprise to those who know me. I’m not a beer drinker. Yet here I am creating a recipe using ale. Samuel Adams Latitude 48 IPA to be precise. Why? Because I was asked. And they specifically wanted a dessert, 

Easy Lavender Honey Chicken

Easy Lavender Honey Chicken

It is not winter here inside my kitchen. The four inches of crystallized water piled up on the back porch is just an illusion created by the white curtains and the angle of the light. That sound isn’t howling wind. It’s a neighbour’s dog, Or 

Herbs & Spices and the DK Contest

Herbs & Spices and the DK Contest

This is not a sponsored post. I haven’t been paid to tell you about this contest (details below) and will not receive any kickback. I’m not even submitting my pick for a chance to win $250 worth of books. I’m posting because I have a 

Poached Eggs with Yogurt and Smoked Paprika Butter

Poached Eggs with Yogurt and Smoked Paprika Butter

Poached eggs are misunderstood. Cooked without added fat, some people consider them boring— unless they’re wedged between a thick base of back bacon and a topcoat of hollandaise. Others will say they’re too much work. You have to boil water, find a slotted spoon, set 

Burnt Caramel Pudding

Burnt Caramel Pudding

This post isn’t what I intended. I had planned on doing a round-up of my favourite cold-weather soup recipes. Healthy, economical, waste-free, toe-warming soup. But after poking about the Internet for a minute or two, I realized everyone had the same idea. So instead, I’m sharing