
Maple Syrup — A Regional Food

Maple Syrup — A Regional Food

Two years ago, almost to the day, I went maple syruping at a friend’s farm. (Click the link! Go on. Not only will you learn how it’s done, there’s a photo of a really handsome dog.) The sky was overcast but the air was damp. 

Crostoli or Frappe du Carnaval

Crostoli or Frappe du Carnaval

It’s Shrove Tuesday and everyone’s flipping pancakes and frying fritters. Me? I’m trying my hand at crostoli — a crispy, fried dough so light it’s almost like you’re not eating. Variations appear throughout Europe with different names and different shapes, but the distinctive blistered dough 

Blood Orange and Cherry Muffins

Blood Orange and Cherry Muffins

Be careful what you wish for. Earlier I begged for sunshine, and lots of it, as I gobbled blood oranges as fast as I could peel them.  I should have specified “with warm temperatures.” Mother Nature granted my request— in letter, not spirit. For the 

Blood Oranges

Blood Oranges

I’m full of hope. And citrus. The grocery stores are bursting with mandarines, limes, lemons and even pomelos. These are just a few of the items that hopped in my cart as I cruised through the produce section on an Ontario-grey winter afternoon. Although uninvited, 

My Favourite Oatmeal Cookies

My Favourite Oatmeal Cookies

my Favourite Oatmeal Cookies I’ve decided to embrace winter. Not with skis or a toboggan. But with my imagination. When I scan the colourless world around me, I see myself as an astronaut floating in space — only I’m weaving about a universe where the 

Make the Most Flavorful Chicken Stock

Make the Most Flavorful Chicken Stock

Not everyone reads the comments section, so I thought I’d start a separate post to share the conversation I’ve been having with Barbara about chicken stock. Barbara has moved to a small apartment and is re-learning to make stock without $7 stewing hens and a 

Chocolate Coconut Paleo Crack

Chocolate Coconut Paleo Crack

These are for my sister. She doesn’t know it yet, but they’ll arrive at her door later today in a box with some pathetic attempt at a heart drawn on the lid. She’s in the middle of the Kitchen Reno from Hell and needs some 

Overnight Chocolate Chip Cookies

Overnight Chocolate Chip Cookies

My mother insists I didn’t drive her to what she politely referred to as “the brink of distraction.” She may well have found my inquisitive nature delightful, but my non-stop questions got under her skin. When Mom had reached her limit, she would cup her 

Waste Not – Avgolemono Soup

Waste Not – Avgolemono Soup

Avgolemono soup might be hard to say but it’s incredibly simple to make. It’s so easy, you can make it when you’re sick and wobbly and barely able to stand without sneezing so hard you knock yourself over. I proved that the other day. Being