
Buying Dark Chocolate for Baking

Buying Dark Chocolate for Baking

I’m on CTV News at Noon today, making Deep Dark Cherry & Chipotle Brownies and hopefully not too big a mess. This recipe graces the cover of my book and is a hit with people who love a bit of heat with their chocolate. That 

Citrus Pull-Apart Bread

Citrus Pull-Apart Bread

Having stomped the snow from my boots, I place them on the rack and step my stockinged foot squarely into a freshly formed puddle of melting ice. Welcome to winter in Canada. I might get my citizenship revoked for saying this, but hockey does not 

SPCA National Cupcake Day 2015

SPCA National Cupcake Day 2015

If you’ve seen my Instagram feed you know I’m a bit obsessed with food and felines. Although I own two tabbies, anything with fur, four legs and a tail has my attention. Feathers work well too, but for obvious reasons, I settle for feeders outside 

Root Vegetable Chips

Root Vegetable Chips

I’m on CTV News at Noon today helping Nancy Richards make homemade root vegetable chips. On the mess scale they’re more work than stovetop popcorn but less bother than pie. And that’s with making your own tzatziki for dipping. Last night I was making chips for the demo 

2015 Culinary Bucket List

2015 Culinary Bucket List

For the past few years, I’ve posted a Culinary Bucket List. This is simply a list of recipes I’d like to tackle in the upcoming year. Whether it’s an exercise in frustration or inspiration depends on your outlook. I rarely make all the items on 

Last-Minute Sugarplums

Last-Minute Sugarplums

I always assumed sugarplums were plum-shaped candies made of marzipan and dusted in sugar. When I asked friends and family for their theories, guesses ranged from holiday jellies to booze-soaked prunes. We had never seen, let alone tasted one. To us, these Christmas confections existed only in Clement Clarke Moore’s poem 

Deconstructed Apple Baklava

Deconstructed Apple Baklava

This recipe is a game changer. It turns baklava into a no-fail dessert for two types of Baklava Balkers — those who think phyllo is too hard to work with, and those who think the classic Greek dessert is too sweet. I’ve blogged about working with 

Bourbon Blondies with Pecans and Chocolate

Bourbon Blondies with Pecans and Chocolate

We ate on the living room floor, legs stretched out in front of us, leaning against the wall for back support. We’d finished unpacking the kitchen but the furniture wouldn’t arrive for days. Without so much as a folding chair, the room felt hollow. All my friend’s 

Sticky Toffee Pudding

Sticky Toffee Pudding

When I first saw the The Dirty Apron Cookbook by David Roberston (Figure 1 © 2014), I wanted to run home and make the ravioli pictured on the front cover. They looked rustic enough to give me hope, yet exuded artisanal confidence. I knew they wouldn’t disappoint. Besides,