
No-Churn Double Raspberry Ice Cream

No-Churn Double Raspberry Ice Cream

No-Churn Double Raspberry Ice Cream Have some ice cream. It’ll make you feel better. If you’re hot, it will cool you down. If you’re hungry, it will fill you up. If you’re tired, it will fuel you. Ice cream is one of my favourite summer 

Sunday Story: Rogue Vehicle

Sunday Story: Rogue Vehicle

No recipe today. Instead a Sunday Story in honour of Father’s Day, showcasing my dad’s quirky sense of humour as we take unpredictable rides in a car with a mind of its own. Rogue Vehicle Our old LaSabre had no power brakes or power steering. 

Cranberry-Orange Oatmeal Waffles

Cranberry-Orange Oatmeal Waffles

CRANBERRY-ORANGE OATMEAL WAFFLES Pancakes in the Patio is a long-standing summer tradition in our family. Father’s Day usually kicks off the outdoor pancake season. Canada Day, the August Civic Holiday, and birthdays keep the tradition going straight through to Labour Day. Any time the weather 

Brown Butter Icing

Brown Butter Icing

brown butter icing I promised you a recipe for brown butter icing a while ago, back when I posted my recipe for No-Egg Browned-Butter Cake. It took a while, but here it is, in all its decadent, messy glory. The resulting icing tastes a bit 

Either Way Marinara Sauce

Either Way Marinara Sauce

Either Way Marinara Sauce Pardon me for bragging, but this sauce is pretty good. Okay. It’s really good. How do I know? Recipe tester feedback. They liked it. A lot. This recipes from my first book, The Messy Baker: More than 75 Delicious Recipes from 

Sunday Story: The Lucky Bay Leaf

Sunday Story: The Lucky Bay Leaf

No recipe today. Instead, a Sunday Story about a clever mom and a gullible child. I was very young and very fussy. No. Not so much fussy as discerning. I ate a wide range of food with great pleasure. However, when I disliked something, I 

No-Churn Pralines and Cream

No-Churn Pralines and Cream

No-Churn pralines and Cream When I was a kid, store-bought ice cream was plain and simple. Chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla. You might get a carton of Neapolitan on a special occasion or some Spumoni at Christmas. But if you wanted fancy, you had to get 

Classic Rhubarb Pie

Classic Rhubarb Pie

Classic Rhubarb Pie I grew up with a scrappy patch of rhubarb in the back garden that survived the coldest, snowiest winters — despite neglect bordering on abuse. I assumed rhubarb was a hardy Canadian crop, bred for our climate. Not so. Rhubarb originated in 

No-Churn Chocolate Crackle Ice Cream

No-Churn Chocolate Crackle Ice Cream

No-Churn Chocolate Crackle Ice Cream In a classic case of “Do as I say, not as I do” I decided to place the plastic wrap OVER the container of ice cream, not directly on the surface. I know better, but I did it anyway. I