Tomatoes from my garden


I grew these. I. Grew. THESE.

Sure they’re a bit late, but they’re fresh from my garden with tons more to come. And despite a summer of neglect, they’re nearly perfect. Not a bug bite, not a speck of mold. Just ripe, firm tomatoes.

tomatoes-bowlful.jpgAnd it shouldn’t have happened. At least not to me.

My neighbour gave me the seedlings. You gave me advice. My parents planted them while I was away at a conference. My friend suckered them in the first few weeks of growth. Nature watered them. And me?

I ignored them for three months.

Okay, I staked them, but that was it. No watering, no fertilizer, no pinching off (which I will do next year, I promise). I just left them alone with the basil and marigolds, and they produced.

Aren’t they lovely? These are fresh from the vine, not even washed.

I marveled at the variety. While most sit neatly in my palm, one is so small it fits in an espresso cup.


And so, I now have a bounty of tomatoes to deal with.


I will definitely be canning some, but I thought I’d try something different and make homemade ketchup — yet another store bought condiment I’m trying to wean Andrew off. Other than tomato sauce I’m stumped.

Anyone else have success with their tomatoes? If so, what do you do with your tomato tonnage?