Blended Mushroom Burgers

Burger Season Begins Early this year

Since most of us are self-isolating and itching for fresh air, we’re firing up the grill a bit earlier this year. A version of the information below originally appeared in my column for Grand Magazine. Even if you don’t have access to an outdoor grill, the principles apply to pan-fried and grilled burgers.

Years ago, my summer burger ventures resulted in foot-high flames, broken burgers, and apologies on a bun. I was a patty-squishing, fast-flipping, burger-poking menace. No wonder I ended up relegated to dessert. Since then, I’ve learned the secret to compliment-inducing burgers starts with the right meat, and is followed by a gentle touch, not acrobatics with a spatula. 

The Perfect Blend

Selecting the right fat content for a burger is a little like Goldilocks’ quest for porridge. Regular ground has so much fat your burger will shrink to the size of a slider. Excess fat can also cause dramatic flames on a grill, or leave a puddle of grease in the skillet. On the other end of the spectrum, extra lean ground yields burgers that are dry and crumbly. Fortunately, lean beef is just right. For lean meats like ground poultry, smaller patties and lower cooking temperatures will help keep your burger juicy.

blend and extend with mushrooms

Finely chopped mushrooms are an easy and inexpensive way to extend your burger budget. Not only do they add umami (a meaty deliciousness), they up moisture content and nutrition without intruding on the flavour. Even my mushroom-hating husband can’t tell the difference. The standard ratio is 1 part mushrooms to 2 parts beef. Don’t bother removing the stems, just wipe the mushroom tops with a damp paper towel, quarter, and then chop in the food processor. 

Forming the perfect burger

Overworking your meat mixture will leave you with a dense burger that’s more like a hockey puck than a patty. Wet or oiled hands can help you handle the meat as little as possible. For light patties that will keep their shape, remember these points:

  • Less is more: When it comes to burgers, don’t overwork or compact the meat. You want to mix not mash, form not force.
  • Unity is strength: Whether you’re making full-sized burgers or two-bite sliders, a uniform patty is key. Divide the mixed meat into equal portions before forming the patties. Once the meat is divided, roll each portion gently into a ball, resisting the urge to squeeze it into formation. 
  • Thin is in: While mile-high patties look enticing, they will dry out before they’re safely cooked all the way through. To form a patty that retain its juices, gently flatten the meat ball, aiming for 2 cm to 2.5 cm (¾ inch to 1 inch) thick for burgers and 1.25 cm (½ inch) for sliders. 
  • Leave a dent: To prevent the dreaded “burger bubble”, gently make an indentation in the middle of each patty with your thumb or a spoon.

spicing Your Burger

Burgers can be as simple as ground meat seasoned with a sprinkle of salt and a few grinds of black pepper, or be filled with a dozen Indian spices. No matter what you are — or aren’t — putting in your burger, don’t salt the formed patties until just before you put them on the heat. Salting too early will leave you with a dry burger since salt draws moisture from the meat. 

how to cook your burger

Whether you cook over flames, in a skillet, or under the broiler, what you don’t do can be the difference between a delicious, juicy burger, and a bun full of disappointment.

  • Don’t fiddle: Once you’ve placed your patty on the cooking surface, leave it alone to form a crust. This crust adds flavour and forms a barrier to help keep moisture inside. Flip at the half way point only. It’s a burger, not a coin toss.
  • Don’t flatten: For most of us, it’s almost second nature to flatten the burger with the spatula to “help things along”. Unfortunately, pressing doesn’t speed up cooking. However, it does speed up drying by forcing the juices out of the patty. 
  • Don’t poke and prod: If you pull the patty apart to check for doneness, you’re going to break the burger and release juices. Instead, use a meat thermometer. Insert it into the centre of the patty from the side, not the top, to ensure a more accurate reading. Cook the burger until the internal temperature reaches the “safe zone”. For ground beef, pork, veal and lamb, the internal temperature should be 71°C (160°F). For ground chicken and turkey, the internal temperature is 74°C (165°F).
  • Don’t rush: Once cooked, place the patties on a clean cutting board or platter to rest for 5 minutes. Resting gives the proteins time to relax and allows the juices to redistribute evenly within the burger. The result is a moist burger, not a soggy bun. 

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Blended Mushroom Burgers

Blended Mushroom Burgers

  • Author: Charmian Christie
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Yield: 6 burgers 1x
  • Category: Beef
  • Method: Easy


Finely chopped mushrooms not only extend the meat, they add moisture, fibre, and nutrients to a burger. These are minimally spiced, so add whatever flavours you prefer. Just keep the meat to mushroom ratio at 2 parts to 1.



1/2 pound (250 g) mushrooms*, quartered
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 pound (500 g) lean ground beef
1 tablespoon (15 ml) Worcestershire sauce**
1 large egg
Fine sea salt


In a food processor fitted with a blade, chop the mushrooms in 2-second pulses until they resemble couscous. Alternatively, you can chop the mushrooms by hand.

In a non-stick skillet, over medium-high heat, cook the mushrooms and onions until they are soft and their moisture is gone, about 6 to 8 minutes.  Add the garlic and cook 1 more minute. Set aside to cool.

In a large bowl, combine the beef, mushroom mixture, Worcestershire sauce and egg until blended. Divide mixture into 6 equal portions, form into balls, being careful not to compact the mixture. Gently flatten to between 3/4 inch and 1 inch (2 cm to 2.5 cm). Using your thumb or a spoon, create an indentation in the centre of the burger. Refrigerate until ready to cook.

Slightly salt the burgers on both sides just before cooking. On the stovetop using a skillet over medium-high heat, or over a barbecue grill using direct flame, cook burgers until internal temperature reaches  160°F (71°C), about 5 minutes per side, flipping once. Transfer patties to a platter and allow to rest 5 minutes before placing on bun and garnishing with desired toppings.


* Don’t buy fancy mushrooms for this. Regular white mushrooms work well.

** Some brands of Worcestershire sauce are gluten-free. Some are not. Check the label if gluten is an issue. You can omit this ingredient.

Keywords: beef, mushrooms, burgers, easy