Whisky Works – As the Barrel Turns (Episode 10 St. Patrick’s Day Edition)

Faith and begorrah, since we’re going for full-blown blarney, this week As the Barrel Turns tips its tam to the Emerald Isle.

In the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, we located three Irish whiskies, but rainbows, shamrocks and leprechauns were in short supply. In lieu of wee people and their Irish trappings we recruited some out-of-work Christmas elves toting snowballs, a pine cone and a glitter glued star who were more than willing to sing Danny Boy as Dr. Thomson performed his turn.

While the Irish spell whiskey with an “e” and produce a sweeter and less peaty version than their Scottish cousins, both Celtic clans agree on two things — that grain and water can produce miracles, and when dealing with Sassanachs you’ll need a healthy mix of Scottish ingenuity and Irish luck.

Dr Thomson and his tiny crew leave you with this Irish-inspired blessing:

May your keg always have whisky
May your barrel turn with ease
May you never forget a rotation
And may your final product always please.

* Note: Dr. Thomson is an historian. He is not a poet.