Kitchen Disasters & Fixes — Today’s Winner

We have our first winner. Joni, who tends to burn things, has won a copy of my new app Kitchen Disasters & Fixes.

I’ll be giving away a copy of the app each day this week until Sunday, so if you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, just leave a comment telling me about your biggest culinary frustration and you could win.

There is an Android version on its way. I’m told it’s in the queue and will take another 3 or so weeks before it goes live. When it does, I’ll let you know.

In the meantime, congratulations Joni. I’ll be emailing you details privately. And here is a tip from my app you might find useful:

If burned food is a persistent problem, the bottom of your pots might be too thin. Consider purchasing a heavy-bottomed pot.

How do you solve the issue of constantly burning food?