Last Chance for Rouxbe Lifetime Membership

When I joined my gym, I felt the pressure to act quickly so as not to miss out on the special low-low price and no-no initiation fee that expired at the end of the month. That was in June. July? They extended the offer. And August? Yup, they pushed that drop-dead date back another month. Now it’s September and once again the offer is good only until the end of the month. Five bucks says they’ll have an October special for Canadian Thanksgiving.

While I needed to join a gym, like the staff and adore my yoga instructor, I no longer pay attention to the rallying cry of their limited time offers. Free towels this week only? Yeah, right. I’ll catch you when mine wears out.

So, when I tell you Rouxbe Online Cooking School stops selling Lifetime Memberships as of tomorrow at 11:59 PM,  I’m not trying to pressure you. I cross my flour-covered fingers and swear on my Aunt Hilda’s pastry board that this is really, truly your last chance to gain full and permanent access to all of Rouxbe’s recipes, quizzes and videos. For added incentive, they have lowered the price to $250 ($50 off the regular price). If you miss the deadline? As of 12:01 AM, September 16, 2010, you can purchase a monthly membership ($15) or an annual membership ($99), but the lifetime version is gone for good.

How do I know? I’m a Rouxbe affiliate and they wouldn’t lie to me.

Not sure you want to commit? Check out the videos from two  recent posts. One meat. One veg. How balanced is that?

Like what you see? Run, don’t walk to Rouxbe Online Cooking School. No free towels with this workout, but then again, this offer won’t come again.