Recipe Index, Printable Recipes and More


If you subscribe by RSS feed you’re likely wondering what possessed me to update a whack of posts. I’m not just a glutton for attention. I’ve been slogging through the tedious task of fulfilling my promise of providing a recipe index and printable recipes.

The mission proved to be less stimulating than filing a tax return. At least with Revenue Canada there’s the adrenaline rush of wondering whether or not I’ll get a refund. Or an audit.

Anyway, over the past few days I’ve chipped away at the twin tasks. I still do way too many desserts but at least have curbed my unnatural passion for hazelnuts.

Here’s what’s new.

A recipe index: I’ve organized the recipes alphabetically by main category and given them straight forward titles. This means they may not match the recipe name in the blog post, but will be easier for search engines and people who are new to the blog to find. Lesson learned, no more smarty-pants titles.

While I’ll update the recipe index as I post new recipes, you can always access it via a link in the left column, just under the Want More section. See…


I’m sure I missed a recipe or two or have something mislabeled. Feel free to let me know (nicely, I am crossed-eyed from staring at computer screens) and I’ll get things fixed.

Printable recipes: Now, you can print any recipe from the post in which it appears with one click. The recipe index will take you to the original post. Scroll down to the recipe and click “Printable Recipes”. You will be taken to a printer-friendly version which you can print. I am eternally grateful to Susan of StickyGooeyCreamyChewy for her blog post on Food Blog Alliance outlining how to do this on Blogger (which doesn’t allow for this kind of attachment).


New Categories


I’ve been adding tags for gluten-free and vegan recipes for a while now and decided this would be a good time to flag a couple more categories.

  • Dairy-free category:  Recipes in the index are marked with a D for Dairy-free, or you can click “dairy-free” in the label cloud on the left hand column. Apply the same logic to gluten-free (marked with a G) and Vegan (marked with a V).
  • Legume and Lentils: Although the recipe index doesn’t list these separately, you can find all recipes based on bean, legumes and lentils by clicking “lentils and legumes” in the label cloud.

That’s it for now. If there are any more features you’d like to see, let me know. In the meantime, it’s back to the kitchen.