Earth Day – BioBags

Food_Waste.jpgSeeing that it’s Earth Day, I thought I’d post about an environmentally-friendly kitchen item —BioBags. Putting compostable waste into plastic bags seems counterintuitive, so I’ve been testing a biodegradable version. Based on cornstarch, these bags break down in the composter but keep your kitchen smelling fresh. Unlike plastic, which traps moisture and encourages rot, the material in these bags allows your carrot peels, apple cores and egg shells to dry out.

Available in a variety of sizes and a special edition for dog owners, BioBags are a sensible, albeit pricey alternative to polyethylene. They won’t harm the environment or your senses, but your wallet might be a bit bruised. A box of 25 small kitchen bags retails for about $8.00.

And be warned. When the instructions say, “Change your BioBag every 3 days”, it’s not just a marketing ploy. They mean it. We found this out the hard way.

Despite the unanticipated clean up, the product performs as advertised, which makes me wonder. Could BioBags have solved my Amish Zombie dilemma? After all, if they provide a barrier against bacteria, viruses, spores and mould, surely they can ward off sour dough ghouls.