Whisky Works – As the Barrel Turns (Episode 15 Spring Cleaning)
This weekend, Dr Thomson takes a break from his marking to do some spring cleaning. In the process of eliminating dust bunnies, Thomson came across an eclectic mix of treasures.
Although Amelia Earhart wasn’t among the finds, Thomson recovered three generations of cat toys, the last of the hidden Hallowe’en candy and a particularly stylish pair of sunglasses that Charmian had thought she’d thrown out. Seems Amish Friendship Bread isn’t the only thing to re-emerge when least expected.
With his menagerie looking on, Thomson performs the rotation without incident.
A quick dusting of the hoops…
and a polish of the spigot and ….
this barrel’s future’s so bright, it’s gotta wear shades.
Sorry Pig, this is not your long-lost mother.