Whisky Works – As the Barrel Turns (Episode 5)

After the fever pitch of last week’s tasting, today’s quarter turn seemed anticlimactic. Dr. Thomson likened it shooting par after a birdie. “One shouldn’t complain, but going through the motions again seems so mundane.” Realizing the hard slogging has just begun, Thomson briefly considered switching to a counter-clockwise rotation, but dismissed the idea as a mere gimmick. “A good barrel turner stays his course,” Thomson intoned.

Then as if struck by divine inspiration, Thomson moved the process to a higher plain. “My theory is simple,” Thomson explained. “By surrounding my cask with the finest whiskies in my scotch collection, I hope to encourage the raw spirit in the barrel to aspire to such greatness.”

Here we see Thomson attempting to transmit the highland vibrations to this humble Canadian cask.

Tune in next week when Thomson sacrifices a virgin Caesar.